THE PURPOSE of the speech contest is to help youth, Rotarians, and the community-at-large to more completely understand, encourage, and foster the principles of ethical behavior, Rotary, and the objects of “Service Above Self.”
Open to all high school students, grades 9 – 12.
The form must be submitted by March 21st.
Contact: Amy Bailey at [email protected] (questions? call Amy at 541-756-8800 x1574)
Prize Package: 1st Prize: $3,500 2nd Prize: $2,000 3rd Prize: $1,500
SUBJECT: Apply the 4-Way Test to everyday relationships with people: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Additional: Participants must be available for the District competition in order to advance in the contest. In order for a student to be eligible, they must commit to attending the District level competition at a date to be determined.
For the application click here.